What is equine dentistry?
Equine Dentistry is a patient based care service, focused to ensuring the wellbeing and continual health of horse’s and donkey’s.
There are certain factors that make equines candidates for dental treatment, one is the fact their teeth belong to the Hypsodont family, this means that their teeth continuously erupt. Anywhere in the mouth where teeth are not meeting correctly and not being worn, excess tooth can grow. This unworn tooth can cause lacerations in the soft tissues, prevent correct chewing, cause pain and discomfort and if left unattended can lead to serious issues.
Another factor is that horse’s upper teeth are approximately 30% wider than their lower teeth, this means that the outer edge of the upper teeth and the inner edge of the lower teeth get reduced wear compared to the rest of the arcade. This leads to the development of sharp points on these rims, which can cause lacerations and ulcerations on the cheeks and tongue.
An equine dentist’s job is to reduce the under worn tooth, so that no damage is caused in the mouth or to the temporomandibular joint and the horse can chew and eat properly. With equine dentistry prevention is better than a cure, because of this we recommend getting your horses teeth checked every year, or if they are under the age of Five, every six months.
If your horse is under the age of Five, then he will be experiencing major dental changes, mainly with the shedding of his baby teeth and the development of new permanent teeth. It is important at this time to get the dentist regularly to help make sure his adult mouth is developing correctly, and to help correct issues before they develop. It is also important that your horse sees a dentist before being introduced to the bit.
How can you tell your horse may need a dentist?
- Lacking Muscle- especially over the top line
- Low Body Condition
- Dropping Food- quidding
- A very small appetite or an excessive appetite
- Head Tossing
- Resisting the bit
- Packing food in his/her cheeks
Remember, these are signs of issues in your horse’s mouth, so even if your horse isn’t exhibiting these signs he will still need to be checked to prevent them from developing.
For a consulation please call Georgia on 021 152 9044 or email georgia@equinedentalcare.co.nz